Washing Machine for Ilana

Total Cost - USD 257
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 257

Ilana, 62, suffered abuse as a child and never got over it. She, her parents, and her 11 siblings moved to Israel from Azerbaijan and the difficulty of the change led her father to lash out violently against his wife and the kids.

Ilana has two adult children; she and their father divorced some time ago. She suffers from so many health problems – including high blood pressure and high cholesterol, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, sleep apnea, and orthopedic issues – that she cannot work. Ilana lives in a small public housing unit and relies on a government stipend that does not go very far.

Ilana stretches it as best she can, but sometimes cannot even cover her basic needs. Her washing machine is broken beyond repair but Ilana does not have the money for a new one, even though hand washing her clothing is terribly difficult for her.

Verified by: Gabriel de Castro, Department of Social Services, Acco | Case No.: 190534
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