Washing machine for Bella

Total Cost - USD 410
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 410

Bella, 41, has four children – a 20-year-old son, six- and five-year-old girls and a two-year-old boy. The family lives in a tiny two-room apartment, which they share with Bella’s mother (her father died of Corona over the winter). Frequently, Bella’s siblings stay over as well.

Bella has not been able to work since 2015, so the family’s only source of support is her monthly National Insurance stipend. Because finances are so tight, the younger children are nutritionally deficient. This, in turn, has complicated their various developmental issues.

Bella recently joined a program that helps women get out of debt, stand on their feet and move forward. She participates actively and hopes to reach a point where she can offer her children more and improve their lives.

Bella’s washing machine broke a few months ago. Because she cannot afford a new one, Bella has been washing everyone’s clothing by hand every night. This is exhausting and certainly cannot stand as a long-term solution. Bella desperately needs a new washing machine.

Verified by: Dana Dayan, Department of Social Services, Tel Aviv East | Case No.: 210463
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