Washing machine for Ariella and her children
A long and painful divorce left Ariella with the many debts that her former husband incurred, and full responsibility for their four children and the management of their home.
Ariella tries to do all of this on her salary as a part-time aide to the elderly. And even this small sum is not stable because recently Ariella has started to suffer from mysterious outbreaks of wounds on her skin; she has lost work time for doctors’ appointments trying to determine the cause, so far without any luck, and because they often heal only with rest, which has forced her to stay in bed for up to a week and a half at a time.
Trying to meet her financial obligations and her childrens’ needs leaves Ariella counting every shekel, but she still cannot make ends meet. A new washing machine would be a boon to Ariella’s health, while allowing her more time to rest (she has been washing the family’s clothing by hand). She is alone in the world with no source of support, so the gift of the machine would also lift her spirits and help the entire family.