Washing Machine for Amir’s Grandmother

Total Cost - USD 372
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 372

Amir, 20, and his three siblings (16, 13, and 10) are orphans, living with their grandparents. While the couple is loving and want to do their best by their grandchildren, they are old and have many health problems. Most of their retirement money goes to their own medical costs.

Tragically, Amir is ill with a brain tumor and is not able to work. Without an income, the family is struggling to cover their day-to-day costs. Amir’s grandmother washes the family’s clothing by hand – with pain and difficulty – because she does not have a washing machine and cannot afford to buy one.

Verified by: Zahava Melada, Department of Social Services, Tel Aviv - South | Case No.: 190554
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