Tuition for Stephen

Stephen, 21, is an inspiring young man. At the age of 15, Stephen, along with his parents, immigrated from Russia. A year and a half ago, as Stephen was about to be inducted into the IDF, his father passed away from cancer. Stephen was released from the army because, as an only child, he was the sole source of support for his widowed mother. Stephen’s mother worked as an aide to the elderly but as her health declined, she was able to work less and less. Stephen, who worked as a supermarket stock boy, was the only wage earner in the household.
Stephen is an impressive individual. He is very athletic and a talented soccer player, He is intelligent, mature, responsible, determined and has an excellent work ethic.
Recently, Stephen had a work accident which kept him home for two months. This time-out gave him a chance to think about his future. He came to the realization that if he could study to become a fitness instructor, he would be able to build a secure and independent future for himself.
Stephen was able to procure a partial scholarship and can pay a small part of his tuition independently. Unfortunately, he cannot afford the remaining portion. It would be a shame if this determined young man had to give up on his dreams.