Tuition for Seth

Total Cost - USD 1,446
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 1,446

Seth, now 27, grew up in the public housing system, along with his single mother. His mother suffers both cognitively and emotionally and was not able to care for him. When he was in high school, therefore, the state moved Seth to a boarding school. There he succeeded in narrowing the gaps in his education. Seth did well on his national exams and graduated with honors, majoring in computers. He completed his full Army service and did very well on his university entrance exams. He won a three-year scholarship to study computer science. While Seth was studying, he also had to work to cover his monthly expenses. As a result, he needs a fourth year in order to complete his degree. There is no scholarship for this year, which has put Seth in a difficult financial position. He is close to finishing a degree that will allow him to earn a steady living, but without help covering his tuition, he will not be able to move forward.

Verified by: Naomit Shlomo, Yeladim – Fair Chance for Children | Case No.: 210234
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