Therapy for Yochai

Yochai is a 4-year old boy who could use your help. His mother, Naomi, left Yochai’s father 6 months ago, after having suffered through an abusive relationship for years and a particularly violent episode. She has a history of psychiatric issues and was hospitalized for a time after the birth of Yochai’s older sister.
Naomi is being treated at a local center for victims of domestic abuse and is learning about how to care for herself and her three children. She’s very dedicated to coming in for treatment and provides her children with as much love and support as she can manage.
Yochai has always been violent towards his younger brother. Naomi started bringing him for therapy, which was subsidized by the center. Since starting therapy, Yochai’s behavior has improved. However, additional therapy is needed and the subsidies have run out. Yochai therapist has suggested another 20 sessions, but Naomi has no money to pay for the treatment.