Testing for Michael

Total Cost - USD 807
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 807

Even before moving to Israel about 12 years ago, it has been clear to Michael’s family and his schools that he is autistic. He is highly functional academically, but has trouble recognizing personal and psychological boundaries in his interactions with others and has little regard for his personal safety.

Michael underwent psychological and neurological testing before coming to Israel, with the result that he received handicapped status. This included an aide who guided him through school and helped him to interact with his peers and teachers. However, the testing only holds for 10 years, so has expired.

Michael is 17 and a half. At 18, a committee will review his case and his status. Michael will need updated tests in order to continue to receive the various kinds of support that he needs.

Michael’s mother works as an educational aide, while his father is an independent alarm system repairman. He has four siblings. His parents’ low salaries can barely cover the regular costs of a family of seven. Although they recognize the critical importance of these tests to Michael’s future, they simply don’t have the money to pay for them.

Verified by: Nir Ackerstein, Division for the Advancement of Youth, Jerusalem | Case No.: 200126
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