Pool Membership for the Hellers

Total Cost - USD 1,009
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 1,009

Until last year, Dana and Eyal Heller had created a stable life for themselves and their eight children, ages 1 – 11. Dana worked as a saleswoman in a store, while Eyal was an independent businessman. Then they decided to open a convenience store in a small community. Dana left her job to join her husband in the endeavor. When the shop failed, it drove the family into financial crisis and bankruptcy. They had to turn to social services for help for the first time.

Eyal has now taken a job in a pizza store; his salary barely covers their rent, let alone the costs of feeding and taking care of eight young children.

The family lives without any luxuries (and without some necessities) and pleasures are few. A family membership at the town pool – something that Dana and Eyal cannot afford – would give the kids something to fill their summer days and school year afternoons and would bring them all some distraction from their difficult lives.

Verified by: Chava-Leah Tzohar, Department of Social Services, Dimona | Case No.: 190290
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