Triple Children’s Bed

Total Cost - USD 908
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 908

Shaul, 30, suffers from a genetic degenerative disease that is progressively weakening his muscles. Managing his daily life is becoming difficult for him. His wife, Liora, won’t let him pick up their small children, for fear that he will fall with them.

The couple has three children, ages four, three, and 10 months, and Liora recently learned that she is pregnant. Their three-year old seems to have delayed development, both physically and mentally; the family is awaiting testing results that might suggest that she has the same disease that her father does.

The family relies on Shaul’s handicapped stipend and the small salary that Liora earns working two hours a day in a daycare (her college degree is in early childhood education). She cannot put in more time because all of the childcare and the household management fall to her. The burden is hard for her, both physically and emotionally.

Recently, their landlord took out most of their furniture and appliances. Shaul and Liora have been able to replace some things, but have been unable to acquire beds for the children. They need one fold-out piece, as there is no room in the apartment for separate beds, but they do not have the budget for it.

Verified by: Galia Sabag, Department of Social Services, Ofakim | Case No.: 190136
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