Sewing Machine for Ayala

Ayala, 18, has been through a lot in her short lifetime. She is one of ten siblings, several of whom suffer from various emotional and physical disabilities. Ayala’s father is a teacher and her mother is unemployed. Her parents are struggling to keep their heads above water.
Ayala tries to work odd jobs, including babysitting, in order to cover her personal expenses. When she was in first and second grades, she was verbally abused by some of her classmates. This was very damaging to her development and she suffers from low self-confidence and anxiety until today. Ayala is highly introverted and has trouble making friends.
Last year, Ayala began a sewing course which has been life-changing for her. She has discovered that she has a real talent for sewing, and the course has done wonders for her self-confidence. She has been interacting with the outside world and realizes that once she completes the course, she will be able to earn a proper income and support herself. Because Ayala cannot afford her own sewing machine, she hasn’t been able to progress as quickly as she would like. If she could get help purchasing a machine, this young woman has the potential to succeed in building an independent life for herself.