Sewing machine for Adi

Total Cost - USD 1,273
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 1,273

Adi, 16, is one of 16 siblings. Her father, a teacher, is the sole wage earner in the family, and his salary does not come close to covering even their most basic needs. Adi loves to sew and has a talent for it. She is succeeding beyond expectations in the dress-making class that she is taking. However, in order to complete her homework and advance, Adi needs a sewing machine at home. Adi believes that with a sewing machine, she could not only repair and re-size her siblings clothing as necessary, but she could also begin to earn some money that she could contribute to the family’s budget. However, she and her parents have no way to buy the sewing machine that could make such a difference to all of them.

Verified by: Zisi Levin, Division for the Advancement of Youth, Beit Yaakov | Case No.: 210265
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