Fridge for Dina’s Family

Total Cost - USD 718
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 718

41-year-old Dina is at the end of a long, difficult divorce, following years of verbal and emotional abuse by her husband.

She and her five children, ages 6 – 19, live in a small, run-down apartment. The little furniture that they have is worn and torn.

Dina used to work as a day care aid, but the need to deal with the divorce and to support her daughters through the process forced her to leave her job. She is now looking for a new job but to no avail.

In hopes of a better future, Dina actively participates in a program to help women manage their finances and improve their earning potential.

Among the household essentials that Dina lacks is a working refrigerator. The current one leaks so much that she has to stuff it with towels every day, and the door does not stay closed. The technician reported that repairs would be very expensive.

Dina, normally positive and proud, is swallowing her pride and asking for help to buy a new fridge.

Verified by: Nirit Goren, LeMaan Achai, Beit Shemesh | Case No.: 190139
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