Refrigerator for Vered and Michael
Vered, 23, and Michael, 27, are trying their hardest to raise their one-year-old daughter with dignity. Michael suffers from a chronic autoimmune disease that makes it impossible for him to hold down a job with any physical requirements. Vered takes care of both him and their baby daughter.
Vered and Michael provide an anchor for Vered’s immediate family. Her parents divorced ten years ago, and her three younger siblings, one of whom is disabled, often stay with her. Her father spends quite a lot of time in their home as well.
Vered and Michael are determined to build a stable, independent life for themselves and their daughter. Vered is hoping to finish her National Service and enter the job market. Michael has started looking for a position with minimal physical requirements. In the meantime, however, their refrigerator has broken, and they don’t have the means to buy a new one. With many mouths to feed, first and foremost their baby’s, Vered and Michael desperately need a new refrigerator.