Refrigerator for Nachman
Nachman, now 62, lost most of his youth to hard drug use and related criminal activity. As a result, he has spent much of his life behind bars. Eight years ago, Nachman made a complete turn-around. With the help of a support group, he has weaned himself off of drugs completely and has been clean ever since. According to his social worker, Nachman’s transformation has been remarkable.
Nachman lives by himself in a tiny apartment. Until now, his sister has been his primary caregiver, organizing his meals, doing his laundry, etc. Now Nachman would like to do some of these things for himself. Nachman’s only income is his government stipend. He manages to stretch this sum to cover his bills and daily needs, but his budget cannot cover appliances. Nachman needs a refrigerator, even a small one, but is unable to afford this expense.