Refrigerator for Menachem

Total Cost - USD 459
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 459

Menachem, 63 years old and divorced, is living under dire economic hardship.  As a young man, Menachem completed 11 years of schooling and served a full term in the IDF.

Over the years, Menachem has suffered from numerous physical ailments, including lower back pain and severe respiratory ailments. Five years ago, after undergoing back surgery, Menachem’s health situation rapidly deteriorated. While social services helps pay for an aide for him, Menachem is having trouble making ends meet on his small government stipend.

He is currently living without a working refrigerator and lives off dry food. His social worker is requesting our assistance to to provide Menachem with a new refrigerator – a basic need that is vital in improving his quality of life.

Verified by: Dafna Buskila, Department of Social Services, Acco | Case No.: 200042
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