Refrigerator for Miriam and Chaim

Total Cost - USD 704
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 704

Miriam, 61, and Chaim, 62, have 11 children; two of whom are still living at home.

The family’s living conditions and overall financial situation are quite dire.

Until a year ago, Chaim was working; he was then laid off and hasn’t found a job since. Miriam suffers from various physical and emotional issues, as well as from ADHD and an organizational dysfunction. She is currently awaiting approval for a monthly disability stipend.

Miriam and Chaim are trying their best to improve their situation. Chaim is actively looking for work, and Miriam meets weekly with a social services counselor in order to improve her daily functioning. They are currently surviving on a monthly government stipend.

Recently, the family’s refrigerator broke; the technician said it isn’t worth fixing. A new refrigerator is an expense that Miriam and Chaim cannot afford, but there is no doubt that a new one would greatly improve their quality of life.

Verified by: Hadassah Arga Rotem, Department of Social Services, Jerusalem - North - Bukhari Neighborhood | Case No.: 220825
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