Refrigerator for Mesam

Total Cost - USD 718
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 718

Mesam’s family married her off when she was 14. She moved with her husband to a new, unfamiliar city and suffered extreme violence at his hands. When she finally found the courage to divorce him, her family blamed her for the situation and cut off all ties with her.

Mesam, 34, worked for years in factories or as a cleaner but after the divorce, there was no one at home to look after her youngest son in the afternoons so she had to leave her job.

Currently, Mesam has no income and is saddled not only with the daily expenses of raising five boys (ages 15, 14, 12, 7 and 4) and with rent, but also with the responsibility for several large loans that her former husband took out in her name. Trying to pay them off, she often does not have enough money for food. Now her refrigerator is broken, and Mesam has no way to buy a new one.

Verified by: Haya Lea Zohar, Department of Social Services, Dimona | Case No.: 200337
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