Refrigerator for Mazal

Total Cost - USD 459
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 459

Mazal is 96. Widowed in Ethiopia, she moved to Israel in 1983 and raised her five children here alone. In the last year, she has suffered from cognitive decline that has affected her physical abilities as well.

Unable to care of herself the way she used to, her children have brought in an aide to help her. However, it is a stretch for Mazal’s small pension to cover her regular needs and the salary of the aide as well.

Her oven recently broke and she cannot afford a new one. Mazal is trying to manage without one, but it is not easy for her or for the aide.

Verified by: Moran Yoseph, Department of Social Services, Hadera, Department of Ethiopian Immigrants | Case No.: 190234
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