Refrigerator for Marda

Total Cost - USD 761
Still Needed - USD 1
Funded - USD 760

Marda, 34, moved to Israel from Ethiopia at the age of 9, along with her family.

Marda eventually married and had four children, the youngest an infant. Unfortunately, her marriage fell apart, and the couple is now in the midst of divorce proceedings.

Until the birth of her fourth child, Marda worked as a cleaner. Today, she is supporting her family on a monthly government stipend; she still doesn’t receive child support.

It will take time for Marda to get back on her feet; in the meantime, the family’s refrigerator broke, and they desperately need a new one.

With four young mouths to feed, Marda needs our immediate help.

Verified by: Inga Tsikovni, Department of Social Services, Kiryat Malachi | Case No.: 230674
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