Refrigerator for Limor

Total Cost - USD 648
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 648

Limor, 35, is single and lives with her father.

Limor has always felt responsible for her parents and cared for them devotedly over the years.

Four years ago, Limor’s mother passed away from cancer. Limor’s emotional state declined, and she began having trouble functioning on a day-to-day basis.

To make matters worse, the business that Limor opened folded during the Corona crisis and left her in dire financial straits.

Recently, Limor’s refrigerator broke and couldn’t be repaired. Limor can’t afford a new fridge but without one, she has no way to keep food fresh for herself and her father.

Limor needs our help in order to survive.

Verified by: Leah Rosenberg, Department of Social Services, Or Akiva | Case No.: 230769
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