Refrigerator for Keren

Total Cost - USD 620
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 620

Keren, 60, is struggling to make ends meet and needs our help.

Keren has been divorced since the age of 28. She raised four children on her own, with no help from her ex-husband and no family support.

Keren suffers from fibromyalgia. She has chronic joint pain and overall weakness. She cannot hold down a job and survives on a monthly disability stipend. Keren also supports her 26-year-old daughter who lives with her.

Over the years, Keren has amassed heavy debts. She is trying to slowly pay them off but struggles to cover all of her daily living expenses. In addition to fibromyalgia, Keren has serious dental issues and also suffers from anxiety disorder and depression. She has very high medical expenses each month.

Keren lives very frugally, but every month is a struggle. Social services helps her wherever they can.

At the moment, Keren’s most pressing need is a new refrigerator. Her old one has stopped working and cannot be repaired. Needless to say, this is an expense that Keren cannot cover.

Verified by: Marva Ben-David, Department of Social Services, Ofakim | Case No.: 220318
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