Refrigerator for Keren

Total Cost - USD 655
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 655

Keren, 28, is a single mother to her son Noam, aged 9. For years, the two lived with Keren’s parents but recently, they moved into their own rental apartment.

Keren works part time as an aide to the elderly, and supports herself and Noam on her salary and a monthly government stipend.

Noam suffers from obesity and has a tendency towards angry outbursts, especially at school. Currently, Noam and Keren are in therapy via social services in order to deal with Noam’s behavior and help Keren parent appropriately.

Keren is a loving and devoted mother and is determined to give Noam a stable upbringing.

At the moment, Keren’s most desperate need is a refrigerator. They are currently living without one and depend on their neighbors’ good will.

In order to successfully live on their own and eat well, a refrigerator is clearly a “must” for Noam and Keren.

Verified by: Racheli Singiner, Department of Social Services, Ofakim | Case No.: 230517
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