Psycho-didactic evaluation for Benny

Total Cost - USD 382
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 382

Anat, 35, has had a very rough life but is now motivated to get back on her feet.

Anat is a single mother to five young children, ages 2-13. She is no longer in touch with their fathers. Over the years, Anat struggled with alcoholism. For the past two years, however, she has been sober. She is in regular therapy and takes parenting courses as well. She is determined to rehabilitate her life and build a stable future for her children.

Anat’s major concern right now is her second son, Benny, who is eight years old and in third grade. Benny is an outgoing, social and smiley child. It is difficult, however, for him to accept rules and boundaries. When he is faced with a challenge or difficulty, he responds with anger and, occasionally, with violence. He is often disruptive during class.

Benny has started receiving therapy through social services. His behavior has improved, though he still needs a great deal of supervision.

After a recent meeting between his social worker, teacher, principal and mother, it was decided that Benny would benefit from a psycho-didactic evaluation. This would pinpoint Benny’s specific issues and allow the professionals to build a treatment plan for him.

Anat is currently working at a bridal shop. She gets help from social services but is making every effort to stand on her own two feet. The evaluation is an expense that Anat cannot afford but there is no doubt, that it will be life-changing for Benny.

Verified by: Dikla Alush, Department of Social Services, Kfar Saba | Case No.: 210831
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