Psycho-diagnostic Testing for Danny

It is clear to his parents and his teachers that Danny, 8, is struggling in school. His reading and math skills are a year behind where they should be. He gives up on tasks easily, leaves the room without permission, and bothers his classmates by yelling in their ears, making distracting noises, and spitting. He does not take “No” easily.
Danny’s father works full-time as a truck driver and his long hours make it difficult for him to take part with his wife in their four children’s education. She has heart problems that make it impossible for her to hold a job. Danny’s parents are putting most of his small salary toward payment of their debts and their overdrawn bank account.
Danny could get the academic, psychological, and social help that he needs if his teachers knew the specifics of his issues, but his parents cannot afford to pay the full cost of the necessary testing.