Psycho-diagnostic evaluation for Rahamim

Total Cost - USD 707
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 707

Rachamim’s parents are very worried about him. The 15-year-old has a host of medical issues, including attention deficit disorder, hyperactivity and tics. He is subject to outbursts of rage, and his parents fear that he is developing an anti-social personality. In preliminary testing, a psychologist recommended that Rachamim attend a boarding school, which might be better suited to his needs. Rachamim’s mother, Irena, thinks that this would be a good idea; she is exhausted from dealing with him and worries that the stress at home and Rachamim’s violent behavior will have a negative effect on Rachamim’s two-year-old brother.

In order to move forward – whether to a new path in his current school or a switch to boarding school – Rachamim needs comprehensive testing. The results of these tests will clarify what kind of help he needs. Irena works as an aide to the elderly and earns a minimum wage. Money is always tight, and there is no way she can afford the kind of testing that Rachamim needs.

Verified by: Matan Kedar, Department of Social Services, Ofakim | Case No.: 210368
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