Professional Mixer for Racheli

Total Cost - USD 1,378
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 1,378

Racheli, a single mother of two, is trying to build a home business for herself as a pastry chef. She loves baking and the job would bring her pleasure and income while allowing her to set her own hours.

Suffering from anxiety, post-traumatic stress, and an eating disorder, Racheli, 32, sleeps badly which makes getting up in the morning difficult for her. Nonetheless, she is a devoted mother and makes sure to to get her two children off to school on time each day.

Racheli has been using borrowed equipment as she gets her business started, but it is critical that she own her own mixer, the key to her business. With only child support payments and her disability benefits, money is very tight, and she does not have the budget for the tools that she needs if she is to succeed.

Verified by: Debbie Dyssen, LeMaan Achai, Beit Shemesh | Case No.: 190067
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