Oven for Talya

Total Cost - USD 343
Still Needed - USD -45
Funded - USD 388

Talya, 62, lives in public housing. She relies on her social security benefits, but has started to supplement them by working as a cleaner at a nearby school. She pushes to do this despite lung problems that make her depend on an inhaler to breathe and that make all physical activity, including climbing stairs, very difficult for her. She also suffers from anxiety attacks, which she controls with medication. The little extra money that she earns allows her to cover her monthly needs.

In addition, Talya does whatever she can to help her two daughters, one of whom is a single parent and the other of whom has special needs kids. Talya has no oven so for years, has done all of her cooking on two small burners. She would like to be able to make real meals for herself and her daughters and grandchildren, but cannot afford to buy an oven.

Verified by: Liora Visel, Department of Social Services, Holon | Case No.: 190403
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