Oven for Miriam and her Family

Total Cost - USD 350
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 350

Miriam and her husband divorced 15 years ago, when she was pregnant with their 11th child. Many of the children are now married, but several still live with their mother, and Miriam has opened her home to a lone soldier as well.

Miriam works long hours as a salesperson in a store in order to provide for the family. Her salary and the alimony she receives do not go far enough to cover even the most basic needs, like furniture and appliances.

The family needs a new stove and an oven, so that Miriam can cook food an an economical and healthy way for her family.

Verified by: Bruria Vingrova, Department of Social Services, Neve Yaakov | Case No.: 190057
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