Oven for Leah

Total Cost - USD 684
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 684

Leah is divorced and raising four children, ages 14-20, on her own. Her ex-husband is now remarried and has nothing to do with his children. Though the couple signed a child support agreement, he has not held up his end, and Leah is currently litigating in order to receive the money she is owed.

Leah is incredibly motivated and hard-working. She has a full-time job as an employment guidance counselor and is also studying for a graduate degree in Art Therapy, with the hope of building a more lucrative career path. Her primary concern is always for her children’s needs and well-being, and she lives very frugally.

The family’s apartment is neat and tidy. It is clear that Leah takes great pride in her home, and she makes the most with what she has.

Recently, Leah’s oven broke. She has been making do with one working burner, but she is desperate for a new oven. With a little bit of help, we can make a big difference in this family’s quality of life.

Verified by: Ashira Ofir, LeMaan Achai, Beit Shemesh | Case No.: 220795
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