Oven for Batya

Total Cost - USD 343
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 343

When Batya finished her Army service, she went to live in Jerusalem with her boyfriend. They built a good relationship, but it fell apart when she became pregnant. He left her and refused to acknowledge the child. Alone, Batya returned to her hometown. She tried to work, but had to quit after a month as she could not afford to put her now one-year old in day care and could not keep the baby with her on the job.

Batya’s parents cannot help her as her father is sick and her mother, the sole breadwinner, also does not earn enough to make ends meet. Batya now relies on a small government stipend. There is no oven in her apartment and she does not have the resources to buy on one her own, but she would like to be able to cook properly for her little girl.

Verified by: Michal Sharon, Department of Social Services, Acco | Case No.: 190553
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