Medical equipment for Ron

Total Cost - USD 396
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 396

Ron, 54, is struggling. Twice divorced, Ron has two children, one of whom is a minor. Ron suffers from low cognitive skills and a variety of medical conditions. He has worked odd jobs over the years, including six years as a factory worker. Currently though, his physical limitations prevent him from working, and he is surviving on monthly disability payments. In addition to his daily expenses, Ron pays monthly child support for his son.

Ron has recently joined a social services program aimed at helping disabled individuals find gainful employment. In the meantime, however, he is struggling to make ends meet. Ron has a condition that causes him to briefly stop breathing during the night. In order to monitor his condition, he desperately needs a CPAP machine. His health insurance will cover most of the cost but unfortunately, Ron cannot cover his deductible. Without the machine, Ron is at great risk.

Verified by: Moshe Ashuri, Department of Social Services, Hadera | Case No.: 210188
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