Mattress for Nomi

Total Cost - USD 467
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 467

Nomi’s story is sad. At 65, Nomi is divorced and living with her 35-year-old son, Benny, in a government-subsidized apartment.

Benny has psychological issues that prevent him from working, and Nomi supports him financially. She herself suffers from various physical ailments thereby limiting her ability to work as well. Her only source of income is her monthly pension stipend, so she has fallen into debt over the years.

Nomi’s most desperate need right now is a new mattress. Currently, she is sleeping on a mattress that is old and torn. Everyone deserves a decent bed to sleep on, and Nomi is no exception.

Verified by: Yishai Bitan, Department of Social Services, Tel Aviv East | Case No.: 220278
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