Laptop for Naftali

Total Cost - USD 764
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 764

Naftali, 6, is a smart, sweet boy. He is also unable to sit still so needs adult supervision at all times. Taking him to a park or other public area is difficult. Testing recently showed that Naftali has autism and ADHD. His teachers and parents believe that a computer would help him in many ways – beyond filling his time and helping him practice sitting quietly, the right programs could also enrich his language and reading abilities. In addition, it could help him to bond with his older siblings, who have offered to work with him as he learns to use it.

Naftali’s parents know how to use a computer and have found an inexpensive internet package. But with their limited income – just from Naftali’s father, a salesman in a store – they cannot afford to purchase the computer that Naftali needs.

Verified by: Shir Elbaz, Department of Social Services, Ashdod - Rehabilitation Department | Case No.: 190364
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