Laptop for Aviva

Total Cost - USD 1,009
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 1,009
Although Aviva completed 12 years of school, she did not finish with a complete set of graduation tests. She dropped out of her first attempt at National Service when she felt overwhelmed by the demands, but after working temporary jobs for a few months, decided to try again and this time she successfully managed her year of volunteering. Encouraged, she now aims to go back and study for her high school exams.

One of Aviva’s brothers is addicted to drugs; he has been in and out of jail and is sometimes violent at home. Her parents do not seem to be able to control him. Seeing his struggles has been a motivation for Aviva to pull herself together and make something of her life, despite her ADHD and occasional bouts of depression.

Aviva has been accepted into a program at Hebrew University that helps students study for and complete their high school exams. However, she needs her own computer in order to do the coursework. Her parents cannot afford to help her to acquire one, and she does not have the money to buy one on her own.

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