Laptop Computer for Jacob

21-year-old Jacob from Jerusalem has come a long way since dropping out of school as a child.
Jacob has pulled himself together and has made drastic changes to his life. After working as a butcher for a while, Jacob wanted more and successfully matriculated from high school. He then enrolled in a computer application course, where he impressed the staff with his abilities and his curiosity. After finished that class successfully, Jacob won a national competition to earn a place in an advanced computer programming course.
Jacob’s parents live in poverty and cannot help Jacob with thing he needs for his studies. Jacob needs a laptop for his coursework. He is a determined and talented young man, as well as a thoughtful and kind one. His social worker has seen how much he has done to pull his life together, and believes that he will go far, leaving the cycle of poverty behind. But he needs this computer in order to take the next step.