Insoles for Hila

Total Cost - USD 519
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 519

Welfare authorities removed Hila from an abusive and violent family when she was 9 years old. Hila grew up in a series of foster situations and children’s homes, with no continuity or additional family support. In 11th grade, Hila dropped out of school and started using drugs as a way to self-medicate and manage the difficult hand that life had dealt her.

Hila is now 21 and homeless. She lives in a shelter and has joined drug rehabilitation and other therapy programs. Hila works in temporary jobs, making continual efforts to create an independent and quality life for herself. Nevertheless, life on the streets is difficult, and Hila finds that without family or financial support, stability remains just beyond her reach.

In addition to these basic challenges, Hila suffers from knee pain that makes it difficult to function. Knee pain can make standing or walking for long periods of time particularly challenging.

Hila’s doctor has recommended insoles to correct the relevant orthopedic issue. Hila does not have the funds to buy the insoles herself and her health insurance does not cover the cost. Insoles that would relieve Hila’s knee pain would help her focus on the other issues at hand in hopes of her finding stability and independence.

Verified by: Avivit Ben Yehuda, Elem - Shelter for Homeless Young Women | Case No.: 180347
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