Hearing Aids for Eitan

Total Cost - USD 1,585
Still Needed - USD -274
Funded - USD 1,859

Tests have recently shown a decrease in Eitan’s hearing. He sees both an ENT and a speech therapist regularly, but he needs hearing aides. The problem is not new for the family – Eitan’s three-year old brother already has them.

Caring for both boys, their four siblings, and their father takes up a lot of Eitan’s mother’s time. She has already had to cut her hours as a preschool teacher, in order to be there for her family. Unfortunately, as Eitan’s father suffers from such intense colitis that he is unable to work, her income is the family’s main source of funds.

In this desperate situation, his parents have no way to afford the hearing aids that would so improve Eitan’s quality of life.

Verified by: Galia Sabag, Department of Social Services, Ofaqim | Case No.: 180126
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