Eye glasses for Aya’s Son

Total Cost - USD 373
Still Needed - USD -1
Funded - USD 374

When Aya suffered from a ruptured disc in the course of her work and had to leave her job, the loss of one of the two wage earners sent her family into financial crisis.

Benny is still working, but the need to stretch his salary much further has been difficult. Despite this, Benny has continued to pay child support to the children from his previous marriage, and he and Aya try to put some amount away in their savings account as well.

Nonetheless, their debts outweigh their savings and they are struggling. Their six-year old has unusually bad eyesight. He needs strong prescription lenses, and his glasses need replacing whenever he outgrows them. Without them it is hard for him to function at home and in school. Aya and Benny are having trouble funding this basic need, because the cost of specialty glasses is so high.

Verified by: Galia Sabag, Department of Social Services, Ofakim | Case No.: 190270
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