Day Camp for Hadas

Rotem, 50, is a single mother to Hadas, aged 7.
Rotem owns a small neighborhood hair salon. For years, she brought in enough money to support herself and Hadas and never had to ask for outside help.
A few years ago, Rotem’s physical condition began to deteriorate; she suffers from chronic back pain and vertigo, both of which make working long hours very difficult.
The arrival of COVID further impacted Rotem’s income. Since many of her clients are elderly, they stopped coming to the salon. Rotem did everything she could think of to keep her business going, including doing home visits. Despite her efforts, she sank into financial distress.
After turning to her family for help a few times, Rotem had no choice but to ask social services for assistance, something she had never had to do before.
Now that the hot Israeli summer is beginning, Rotem is desperate to find an outlet for Hadas. If she could get help sending Hadas to day camp, Rotem would be able to work longer hours, and Hadas would be able to enjoy her summer vacation along with her peers.