Course Tuition for Hannah

Total Cost - USD 1,303
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 1,303

Hannah, 18, learned at an early age to take responsibility for her younger siblings, their home, and, to a certain extent, her parents. Her father is subject to depression and her mother, to manic seizures. There was violence at home, and Hannah left at 16 in order to live in a supported environment for girls in danger.

At first, she had trouble adjusting to the rules of the house and to listening to the adult counselors, and even ran away a few times. But she is highly motivated and understands the value of her new setting. With real effort, Hannah has turned her life around. She has grown more emotionally aware, studies hard in school, and is well-liked by the girls around her.

Hannah loves cooking and catering, and would like to make a career in the world of food. She would very much like to take a course that will let her pursue this goal, but she does not have the money to pay for the class.

Verified by: Taly Dargan, Division for the Advancement of Youth, Jerusalem | Case No.: 190204
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