Computer for Tohar

Total Cost - USD 676
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 676

Tohar, 32, is trying her hardest to turn her life around. Tohar, a single mother to an 8-year-old daughter, has health issues that have prevented her from working full-time. The government recognizes her as disabled, but her case is not severe enough to entitle her to disability payments.
With the help of social services, Tohar joined a program that helps families find employment, understand their rights and learn sound financial planning. Tohar was dedicated to the process and began to make significant changes. She found two jobs but unfortunately, was fired from both due to the Corona crisis.
These setbacks did not deter her. Tohar has recently joined another program specifically aimed at helping people break into the job market, using their skills to find steady work. It is an intensive program that demands a high level of commitment. Tohar is all in. At the same time, as part of the program, she is attending regular therapy sessions with her daughter in order to improve communication and relations between them.
Tohar does not own a computer and cannot afford to buy one. There is no question that a computer would be incredibly beneficial to her and her daughter. The program she attends is currently being run remotely so a computer would allow her to continue her participation. It would also give her the opportunity to write her CV and send it out, as well as search the job market. Her daughter would also benefit greatly as her classes have been meeting remotely as well. Tohar is a young woman who is doing her utmost to improve her life. She deserves our help.

Verified by: Meirav Hadad, Department of Social Services, Sderot | Case No.: 210041
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