Computer for Shachar’s children

Total Cost - USD 671
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 671

Shachar’s story is heartbreaking. A divorced mother of three young children, Shachar, 34, worked full-time until two years ago when she was injured in a car accident. She was put on temporary disability and has not managed to rejoin the workforce since. Shachar has no family support; her father, deceased, was a drug addict and her mother is disabled. Shachar’s ex-husband was abusive and spent half a year in jail. He pays no child support. Shachar supports herself and her three children solely on government stipends.

Despite her difficulties, Shachar is an attentive and devoted mother who only wants the best for her children.When the Corona pandemic hit, Shachar did not have a computer for her children to use for remote learning. They fell behind in their classes and schoolwork. In order for them to close the gap and continue to advance, the family desperately needs a computer. Shachar needs our help as she obviously cannot afford one at this time.

Verified by: Zilpa Levi, Department of Social Services, Tel Aviv East - Achvah | Case No.: 200403
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