Computer for Ruben and Batya’s children

Total Cost - USD 715
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 715

Ruben, 60, and Batya, 58, used to have their own business. Its failure dealt Ruben a blow, both medically and financially. Ruben suffers from a heart ailment that limits his ability to work, especially under pressure. He now works part-time as a school aide. For years, Batya stayed at home, raising their 12 children. The couple always struggled for money, and the family lived in a constant state of need. Batya has now started to work, also part-time as a school aide, but the two salaries are not enough to cover the family’s expenses. Ruben and Batya’s youngest five children (ages 17 – 12) still live at home. Their youngest child has developmental delays and is in a school for kids with special needs. The five children have been trying to adapt to remote learning by means of the family’s two smartphones because they don’t have access to a computer. As the Corona crisis continues, their need for a computer has grown. Unfortunately, Ruben and Batya have no way to buy one.

Verified by: Ravit Zohari, Department of Social Services, Yokneam | Case No.: 210054
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