Computer for Rami

Total Cost - USD 340
Still Needed - USD -41
Funded - USD 382

Rami, 67, lives on his own in a 24-meter apartment. He has one grown daughter who lives abroad, and they are estranged.

Rami lives off of a monthly government stipend.

Two years ago, social services provided Rami with a second-hand computer. He took two courses in order to learn basic computer skills. He also had a student volunteer who would come over to help him.

Rami’s computer was his lifeline to the outside world. It served as his television and radio; he used it to book his medical appointments and communicated with others via email.

Rami’s old computer is now broken beyond repair; if he could get help buying a new one, his quality of life would significantly improve.

Verified by: Tamar Stern, Department of Social Services, Givatayim | Case No.: 230586
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