Computer for Michael

Total Cost - USD 372
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 372

Michael, 19, has had a rough start in life. At the age of six, he was removed from his mother’s home and placed in emergency care. Eventually, he was taken in by a foster family and lost all contact with his birth mother. At the age of 13, suffering from severe behavioral issues, Michael was sent to a boarding school for troubled youth. His foster family stayed actively involved in his care and progress.
When he turned 17, Michael moved back in with his foster family. Unfortunately, soon after, his foster parents divorced. This took an emotional and psychological toll on Michael.
To further shake up his life, Michael, who was eagerly anticipating his enlistment, was rejected by the army due to physical issues. Michael was born with a muscle disorder that causes severe weakness and could potentially affect his cardiac status. He was devastated by this development.
Michael moved back in with his mother, but their relationship was a rocky one. He continued his fight to enlist voluntarily and earned recognition as a lone soldier. Michael is scheduled to start his service next month.
Now that he has moved out of his mother’s home, Michael finds himself with no computer and no way to communicate with the outside world. Clearly, Michael cannot afford to buy a computer but, as he continues his efforts to build an independent life for himself, it would be a huge asset if he had one.

Verified by: Tair Neria Ohana, Yated - Jerusalem | Case No.: 210019
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