Computer for Maya
Maya, 19, is the youngest of 14 children. Because she has chosen not to follow her parents’ religious lifestyle, they have broken off all contact with her, and she receives no support from them. Losing her connection to her former life was difficult for Maya and at first, she floundered. She entered into an unhealthy relationship and was raped. Eventually, Maya joined a support program which offered her counseling. She broke off her relationship and was issued a restraining order. She is now doing her National Service at a daycare for special needs children.
Maya has also worked hard to finish her national high school exams. She now needs to take the national college entrance exam in order to pursue her dream of studying computer programming. Maya has received a full scholarship for the preparation course. Her plan was to study for this over the course of the coming year. Unfortunately though, Maya recently broke her foot. She will soon have surgery to set it, after which she will have to stay off it for at least two months. This will keep her from going to work.
Maya has decided to use her time productively by starting a routine of daily online studying. In order to do that, however, she needs a computer. Maya does not have the money with which to buy one and cannot expect any help from her family. This determined young woman deserves every chance to move ahead in life.