Computer for Lior

Total Cost - USD 501
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 501

The first chapter of Lior’s life has been tragic; we can help make the next one meaningful and productive. Lior, 19, grew up in a highly dysfunctional home. Both of his parents have children from previous marriages and, together, they have four more. Lior’s childhood years were filled with tension and chaos. There was emotional, financial and physical abuse. His father, who is 20+ years older than his mother, is physically disabled; his mother is emotionally unstable and physically unwell. Lior grew up feeling abandoned, both physically and emotionally. He also felt socially ostracized by his peers.

Lior reacted to his home environment by displaying violent and difficult behavior. As a teenager, he hung out on the streets with a dangerous crowd. He ended up with a police record and social services eventually removed him from his parents’ home. Lior spent his teenage years in various hostels for at-risk youth. He made great progress over the years and when he turned 18, he set out on his own.

Today, Lior’s parents live apart; Lior doesn’t feel wanted by either of them. He is currently under psychiatric care and is dealing with his feelings of loneliness and abandonment. Despite his traumatic upbringing, Lior is highly motivated to stand on his own two feet and make something of his life. He is now participating in a social services program that helps young people like him build a plan for the future. Lior says he finally feels like somebody has his back.

Lior’s most desperate need right now is a computer. He has never owned a computer, and there is no doubt that at this juncture a computer would open a multitude of doors for him. Among other things, Lior would like to enroll in a storytelling course in order to learn how to tell and share his story. This would be a huge step forward for him emotionally. A computer would also allow him to look for a job, complete bureaucratic tasks more efficiently and, eventually, begin studying towards a degree. Lior has shown great fortitude throughout his short life; now is our chance to help him start building a stable and independent future.

Verified by: Oded Titievsky, Elem | Case No.: 220827
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