Computer for Layla

Total Cost - USD 326
Still Needed - USD 0
Funded - USD 326

Layla, 22, is doing all she can to build herself a stable and independent future.

The oldest of five children, Layla always worked in order to help her parents cover the family’s needs. Her father is disabled, suffering from visual impairment and mobility issues. He receives a monthly disability stipend. Layla’s mother is a daycare assistant.

Layla participated in a social services program that helps young people from impoverished families navigate the academic world and build a plan for their future.

Layla has now started studying towards a teaching degree. At this point in her studies, she desperately needs a new computer. Unfortunately, because of her heavy work load, Layla had to stop working; there is no way that either she or her parents can afford the cost of a new computer.

It would be a shame if this determined young woman had to give up on her dream of a brighter future

Verified by: Nathan Weizman, Yated - South | Case No.: 220346
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