Computer for Hila

Total Cost - USD 1,510
Still Needed - USD -27
Funded - USD 1,538

Hila, 47, is divorced and raising three children (ages 8-12) on her own. She is an incredibly devoted mother and is doing all she can to raise her children in a stable environment.

Hila is currently studying architecture in a three-year program. Her studies take up all of her time, as the program is five days a week. As a result, she cannot work as well.

During Corona, Hila and her three children had to adjust to online learning. Since they don’t have a computer, Hila gave the children old cellphones to use. At night, she would use one of the phones for her own studies. Hila has come to realize that she will not be able to continue learning this way. She needs a laptop with specialized software in order to finish her degree.

Next year, when she has fewer days of classes, Hila is planning on finding a part-time job. At the moment, however, she cannot consider purchasing a computer as her finances are too tight. Without one, though, she will have to drop out of school. It would be a shame to see this motivated and intelligent woman bury her dream.

Verified by: Vardit Shpigelman, LeMaan Achai, Beit Shemesh | Case No.: 200383
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